The Sierra County Children and Families Commission met on Friday, May 17, 2019, at 9:30 A.M. in the Courthouse, Downieville, California, with teleconferencing at Sierra County Health & Human Services, 202 Front Street, Loyalton, California.
The meeting was led by Mary Wright, Chairperson.
CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order at 9:46AM by Mary Wright.
FLAG SALUTE Mary Wright led the Flag Salute.
ROLL CALL Present: Jim Beard, Anne Reugebrink, Mary Wright; Shanna Anseth, Laurie Marsh via teleconference Absent: Andrea Ceresola White
Staff Members Present: Allison Smith, Executive Director; Kelly Norton, Business Manager
Public Present: None
APPROVAL OF AGENDA Mr. Beard moved to approve the agenda, with the addition of an Action Item to Approve the Mini-Grant for Family Resource Center in the amount of $1500 for the Fiscal Year 2019-2020 to provide a Storytime Program in Downieville. Ms. Reuegebrink seconded the motion, and the agenda was unanimously approved.
PUBLIC COMMENT Public comment opened at 9:50AM. There was no public in attendance. Public comment closed at 9:51AM.
DIRECTOR'S REPORT - Ms. Smith reviewed the Director’s Report submitted which included the Back to Preschool Night Evaluation, First 5 Association Advocacy Day, Kindergarten RoundUp, Mini Grants, Sierra Kids Building Maintenance, Collaborating on Child Abuse Prevention, the Governor’s Budget update and Provider Appreciation.
BUSINESS MANAGER REPORT Expenditure Report – March 16, 2019 to May 15, 2019: The Commission reviewed the report. There were no questions.
Bank Reconciliations – March & April 2019: The Commission reviewed the bank reconciliations for the two months and had no questions.
Budget vs. Actual Report – July 1, 2018 to May 15, 2019: The Commission reviewed the report and had no questions.
Budget Review–Administrative Ratio – July 1, 2018 to May 15, 2019: Ms. Norton noted that the Administrative Ratio is currently 29%, the current target Administrative Ratio for the year is 21%. She noted that the ratio should line up at the close of the year as several larger contracts invoice us for their entire year contract. There were no questions.
Cash in County Reconciliation – May 7, 2019: Ms. Norton reviewed the activity & balance in First 5 Sierra’s account with the County.
General Journal Review – May 15, 2019: Ms. Norton noted that she allocated General Funds to School Readiness and Provider Network categories.
COMMISSIONER REPORT Ms. Reuegebrink noted that she would be involved in leading a group to organize a repeat of last year’s successful Family Fun Fest, held in conjunction with the Calpine Marketplace event, on Saturday, September 7, 2019. First 5 Sierra will be supporting the outreach and educational efforts with a bounce house. Ms. Reuguebrink also noted that she has been running tobacco awareness ads in local newspapers.
Mr. Beard noted that the next Child Abuse Council meeting would take place Wednesday, June 26, 2019.
Ms. Marsh discussed that she would have an MHSA state audit next week.
APPROVAL OF MINUTES Approval of Regular Meeting Minutes of April 11, 2019
Ms. Reuegebrink moved to approve the minutes of April 11, 2019. Mr. Beard seconded the motion and the minutes were approved.
NEW BUSINESS Action Item: Approve Mini Grant for Family Resource Center in the Amount of $1500 for Storytime Program in Downieville
The Commission reviewed the proposal presented by the Family Resource Center requesting funds to support a Storytime Program in Downieville. Currently there is no programming for children aged 0-5 on the western side of the county. The Commission agreed that this would be a good investment in early literacy efforts as well as facilitating outreach for the Family Resource Center and connecting parents with their services.
Action Item: Authorize Summer Preschool for the 2019 Summer Preschool will be offered this summer by both Sierra Kids Center and Ketchum Daycare. 17 children are eligible through First 5 Tuition Subsidy Program guidelines for summer preschool. Summer preschool tuition is estimated to cost $6,120. Ms. Marsh moved to authorize spending for Summer Preschool, Ms. Anseth seconded the motion and the motion passed unanimously.
Public Hearing: SCCFC Contracting and Procurement Policy Ms. Smith noted a proposed increase to $2000 in the minimum amount required for the informal bid process, as well as an increase in the Executive Director’s maximum spending limit without Commission approval to $2000. Ms. Smith noted that the First 5 Financial Guide allows Commissions to establish a level at which no competition is required, when purchases are considered too small to make the bid process feasible. Commissioners Wright, Beard and Anseth all noted that $2000 seemed a reasonable amount for both aspects of this policy. Ms. Wright opened the Public Hearing at 10:35 A.M. Hearing no public comment Ms. Wright closed the Public Hearing at 10:36 A.M.
Action Item: Adopt SCCFC Contracting and Procurement Policy Ms. Anseth moved to adopt the SCCFC Contracting and Procurement Policy. Ms. Marsh seconded the motion and the motion carried unanimously.
Discussion Item: Review SCCFC 2019-2022 Strategic Plan - DRAFT Ms. Smith discussed the Draft of the 2019-2022 Strategic Plan, noting that she updated it with several goals in mind. The overall goals of the plan align with the First 5 California and First 5 Association’s four Strategic Plan areas: Comprehensive Health & Development, Family Resilience, Quality Early Learning, and Sustainability and Scale.
Discussion of Preliminary Budget 2019-2020 Ms. Norton presented the second version of the Preliminary Budget for 2019- 2020. Ms. Smith stated that the latest version of the Preliminary budget includes several changes made to realign the budget with the Commission’s priorities identified in the Strategic Planning process.
ADVANCED PLANNING The next regular meeting of the SCCFC is scheduled to be held on Friday, June 21, at 9:30 A.M. in the First 5 Sierra Office, Loyalton, California.
ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 11:03 A.M.
Submitted by: Allison Smith, Executive Director